What is Erasmus +?

Erasmus + is a European Union-funded mobility program funded by the European Commission, which aims to modernize and improve the quality of higher education in Europe and elsewhere in the world. It gives students the opportunity to improve their skills and expand their employment opportunities after graduation. Erasmus + is one of the best known and most successful study abroad programs, in which students can complete:

Erasmus+ štúdium v EÚ

Erasmus+ štúdium mimo EÚ

Erasmus+ praktické stáže

Erasmus+ absolventské stáže

Every student of the University of Economics in Bratislava has the right to participate in Erasmus + repeatedly during their university studies. The sum of the lengths of all Erasmus programs at one level of higher education (study, student internship, graduate internship) may not exceed 12 months.

Erasmus is said to be a milestone in a student's study and life. A semester or two spent abroad opens up new perspectives and creates unforgettable friendships and experiences. At the end of the stay, students will return more confident and with improved language skills.

Erasmus+ štúdium v 10. krokoch 

Manuál k študijnému pobytu


Selection procedure 

Erasmus+ štúdium v EÚ

The first part of the selection procedure takes place at the student's home faculty (the call for applications is submitted by individual faculties individually - during January).

The second part takes place at the university level at the Department of International Mobility (OMM). Nominated students from each faculty are assigned partner universities according to their location on the nomination list. After the assignment, the list of students is sent for approval to the members of the university-wide commission, then an overview of the distribution of nominated students is published on the university's website.

Erasmus+ štúdium mimo EÚ

Student selection procedures take place at the university level, usually twice a year, in March and October of the relevant academic year, valid for the following academic year. The invitation to tender is published at least 2 weeks before the tender, which contains all the necessary information.

To be included in the university-wide selection procedure, the student submits the necessary documents electronically and in person to the OMM.

The university-wide commission will draw up a list of successful candidates on the basis of a selection procedure.

Erasmus+ praktické stáže

The faculty will publish the call for applications together with the conditions for inclusion in the selection procedure, usually after the beginning of the academic year. Students must complete an internship in the same academic year (including the holiday period) in which they applied for the internship.

Each faculty will organize a selection procedure separately.

Erasmus+ absolventské stáže

Students of the University of Economics in Bratislava have the opportunity to participate in an internship abroad through the Erasmus + program even after graduation. EU-funded graduate internships under the Erasmus + program are organized by EUBA in cooperation with WorkSpace Europe. For more information on WorkSpace Europe, visit www.workspaceeurope.sk.


Other study abroad programs

Students of the University of Economics in Bratislava have the opportunity to participate in a study stay abroad on the basis of programs such as CEEPUS, the National Scholarship Program, the International Visegrad Fund and also on the basis of bilateral agreements concluded between the University of Economics in Bratislava and foreign partner institutions. In the case of bilateral cooperation, students proceed in accordance with the Internal Directive No. 2/2012 Sending students of the University of Economics in Bratislava for study stays abroad on the basis of cooperation agreements with foreign universities and other institutions providing higher education.

All information : https://euba.sk/en/international-relations